Package: seewave 2.2.3

seewave: Sound Analysis and Synthesis

Functions for analysing, manipulating, displaying, editing and synthesizing time waves (particularly sound). This package processes time analysis (oscillograms and envelopes), spectral content, resonance quality factor, entropy, cross correlation and autocorrelation, zero-crossing, dominant frequency, analytic signal, frequency coherence, 2D and 3D spectrograms and many other analyses. See Sueur et al. (2008) <doi:10.1080/09524622.2008.9753600> and Sueur (2018) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-77647-7>.

Authors:Jerome Sueur [aut, cre], Thierry Aubin [aut], Caroline Simonis [aut], Laurent Lellouch [ctr], Pierre Aumond [ctr], Adèle de Baudouin [ctr], Ethan C. Brown [ctr], Guillaume Corbeau [ctr], Marion Depraetere [ctr], Camille Desjonquères [ctr], François Fabianek [ctr], Amandine Gasc [ctr], Sylvain Haupert [ctr], Eric Kasten [ctr], Jonathan Lees [ctr], Jean Marchal [ctr], Andre Mikulec [ctr], Sandrine Pavoine [ctr], David Pinaud [ctr], Alicia Stotz [ctr], Luis J. Villanueva-Rivera [ctr], Zev Ross [ctr], Carl G. Witthoft [ctr], Hristo Zhivomirov [ctr]

seewave.pdf |seewave.html
seewave/json (API)

# Install 'seewave' in R:
install.packages('seewave', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

  • orni - Song of the cicada Cicada orni
  • peewit - Song of the bird Vanellus vanellus
  • pellucens - Calling song of the tree cricket Oecanthus pellucens
  • sheep - Sheep bleat
  • tico - Song of the bird Zonotrichia capensis


This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

169 exports 18 stars 5.21 score 3 dependencies 22 dependents 35 mentions 654 scripts 2.7k downloads

Last updated 11 months agofrom:ff6206f522. Checks:OK: 5 NOTE: 2. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKSep 17 2024
R-4.5-winNOTESep 17 2024
R-4.5-linuxNOTESep 17 2024
R-4.4-winOKSep 17 2024
R-4.4-macOKSep 17 2024
R-4.3-winOKSep 17 2024
R-4.3-macOKSep 17 2024



Sound analysis

Rendered fromseewave_analysis.rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Sep 17 2024.

Last update: 2019-03-30
Started: 2012-04-12

Sound import and export

Rendered fromseewave_IO.rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Sep 17 2024.

Last update: 2018-03-02
Started: 2012-04-12

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Acoustic Complexity IndexACI
Statistics on time and frequency STFT contoursacoustat
Add or insert a silence sectionaddsilw
Amplitude filterafilter
Water tank minimum resonant and cutoff frequenciesakamatsu
Amplitude modulation analysis of a time waveama
Acoustic Richness indexAR
Generate sound intensity attenuation dataattenuation
Reading and interpreting Audiomoth file nameaudiomoth
Rename audiomoth files in a readable formataudiomoth.rename
Short-term autocorrelation of a time waveautoc
Beep soundbeep
Butterworth frequency filterbwfilter
Continuous coherence function between two time wavesccoh
Cepstrum or real cepstrumceps
2D-cepstrogram of a time wavecepstro
Coherence between two time wavescoh
Comb filtercombfilter
Convert sound pressure level in other unitsconvSPL
Cross-correlation between two time wave envelopescorenv
Cross-correlation between two frequency spectracorspec
Covariance between two spectrogramscovspectro
Crest factor and visualizationcrest
Continuous spectral entropycsh
Cut a frequency spectrumcutspec
Cut a section of a time wavecutw
dB colour scale for a spectrogram displaydBscale
dB weightingsdBweight
Delete a section of a time wavedeletew
Dominant frequency of a time wavedfreq
Difference between two cumulative frequency spectradiffcumspec
Difference between two amplitude envelopesdiffenv
Difference between two frequency spectradiffspec
Difference between two time wavesdiffwave
Time series discretisationdiscrets
Draw the amplitude envelope of a time wavedrawenv
Draw the amplitude profile of a frequency filterdrawfilter
Duration of a time waveduration
Dynamic oscillogramdynoscillo
Dynamic sliding spectrumdynspec
Dynamic sliding spectrogramndynspectro
Echo generatorecho
Amplitude envelope of a time waveenv
Export sound dataexport
Fade in and fade out of a time wavefadew
Frequency bands plotfbands
Doppler effectfdoppler
Frequency filterffilter
Near field and far field limitsfield
Finite Impulse Response filterfir
Frequency modulation analysisfma
Frequency peak detectionfpeaks
Fourier transform windowsftwindow
Fundamental frequency trackfund
Gammatone filtergammatone
2D-spectrogram of a time wave using ggplot2ggspectro
Total entropyH
Hilbert transform and analytic signalhilbert
Instantaneous frequencyifreq
Inverse of the short-term Fourier transformistft
Itakuro-Saito distanceitakura.dist
Kullback-Leibler distancekl.dist
Kolmogorov-Smirnov distanceks.dist
Linear Frequency Shiftlfs
Play a sound wavelisten
Local maximum frequency peak detectionlocalpeaks
Log-spectral distancelogspec.dist
Long-term spectrogramlts
Median of the amplitude envelopeM
Mean of dB valuesmeandB
Mean frequency spectrum of a time wavemeanspec
Hertz / Mel conversionmel
Mel-filter bank for MFCC computationmelfilterbank
Microphone sensitivity and conversionmicsens
Addition of dB valuesmoredB
Replace time wave data by 0 valuesmutew
Normalized Difference Soundscape IndexNDSI
Generate noisenoisew
Frequency of a muscical notenotefreq
Octave valuesoctaves
Song of the cicada Cicada orniorni
Show a time wave as an oscillogramoscillo
Oscillogram 'equalizer'oscilloEQ
Show a stereo time wave as oscillogramsoscilloST
Paste a time wave to another onepastew
Song of the bird Vanellus vanelluspeewit
Calling song of the tree cricket Oecanthus pellucenspellucens
Phase-phase 2D or 3D plot of a time wavephaseplot
Phase-phase 2D plot of a time wavephaseplot2
Play a list of sound filesplaylist
Pre-emphasis speech filterpreemphasis
Generate rectangle pulsepulsew
Resonance quality factor of a frequency spectrumQ
Audacity audio markers importread.audacity
Repeat a time waverepw
Resample a time waveresamp
Time reverse of a time waverevw
Remove the amplitude modulations of a time wavermam
Remove noisermnoise
Remove the offset of a time wavermoffset
Root Mean Squarerms
Roughness or total curvatureroughness
Rugosity of a time waverugo
Save a .wav filesavewav
Symbolic Aggregate approXimationSAX
Soundcape chord diagramscd
Standard deviation of dB valuessddB
A quick look at quantitative dataseedata
Sound analysis and synthesisseewave-package seewave
Set the amplitude envelope of a time wave to another onesetenv
Spectral Flatness Measuresfm
Shannon and Renyi spectral entropysh
Sheep bleatsheep
Similarity between two frequency spectrasimspec
A function to tentativily smooth a time wavesmoothw
Reading and interpreting SongMeter file namesongmeter
Songmeter file diagnostics and diagramsongmeterdiag
Soundscape frequency spectrum of a time wavesoundscapespec
Calls SoXsox
Frequency spectrum of a time wavespec
Spectral fluxspecflux
Spectral propertiesspecprop
2D-spectrogram of a time wavespectro
3D-spectrogram of a time wavespectro3D
Frequency square filtersquarefilter
Symbol analysis of a numeric (time) seriessymba
Synthesis of time wave (additive model)synth
Synthesis of time wave (tonal model)synth2
normalized Time and Frequency Second DerivativeTFSD
Temporal entropyth
Song of the bird Zonotrichia capensistico
Time lapsetimelapse
Time measurements of a time wavetimer
Teager-Kaiser energy tracking operatorTKEO tkeo
WAve length and SPeed of soundwasp
Convert wave amplitude to instantaneous sound pressure level (dB SPL)wav2dBSPL
wav-flac file conversionwav2flac
Convert wave amplitude to equivalent continuous sound pressure level (Leq)wav2leq
Waterfall displaywf
Audacity audio markers exportwrite.audacity
Zap silence periods of a time wavezapsilw
Instantaneous frequency of a time wave by zero-crossingzc
Zero-crossing ratezcr